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Transition from the Infants

Most of our children come to us from our Infant school. The preparation for this transition starts right from nursery! The highlight of Mr. Wilkinson's Christmas are the Infant plays! We love to visit the infants to start to get to know the children and learn about their talents and foibles. We make sure we have very good links between the schools and communication about children and families is excellent. 

In year 2 the children have a number of opportunities to visit the junior school and begin to get to know the staff and the new environment. As part of the transition, the children will meet their year 3 teacher at the infants and also spend time at the juniors. We offer opportunities for parents/carers to meet the staff at the juniors and to ask any questions.

Transition to Secondary School

The transition to secondary school is a very important time for children. The preparation for this starts in year 5, especially if your child plans to take grammar school tests. If your child plans to take grammar school tests, it is a good idea to do some practise to prepare and you need to be clear on the procedures for the test.  See 'Guide to Secondary School Admissions Letter'.

The Local Authority will communicate directly with parents/carers about the process for application to secondary school. The information does not come through us, but if you require support with any part of the process, please make an appointment to see Mr. Wilkinson. Once children have been allocated places, there will be opportunities for most children to visit their secondary school in the summer term. We will also meet with representatives from each school to pass on information about children to prepare for a good transition.