Our Vision
At Victoria Park Junior School we understand that English is an essential part of the curriculum; we’re ambitious about what all children can achieve, and we strive to create exciting and stimulating lessons. We want children to be confident writers and life-long readers. Our English curriculum is carefully planned to ensure progression of skills, as well as coverage of genres, so that the children grow up as fluent readers and writers.
Reading at VPJS
We promote independent reading, reading for information and a love of reading through lessons and a range of strategies/activities including guided reading sessions, sharing class books and whole school reading events such as ‘World Book Day'.
We are very fortunate to have a wonderful library space which has a fantastic range of texts. Each class visits the library weekly and can choose up to 2 books to take home. In addition to a library book, children still developing their reading fluency and decoding skills with have a colour banded book.
Writing at VPJS
We provide a rich curriculum which adheres to the National Curriculum requirements, while allowing staff creativity to choose themes which will create interest and challenge the children.
We use a book based approach to writing. We focus on a core text (supported by picture books, videos & poetry). Children explore, respond to and analyse quality texts, which have rich language and model the desired structures and conventions. Within this context, children can practice learnt spelling, grammar and punctuation rules and apply these in their written tasks.
Year 3 Texts
Year 4 Texts
Year 5 Texts
Year 6 Texts
Spelling at VPJS
To develop spelling, we have an investigative approach to spelling. This means children will explore a spelling rule each week and apply that skill to a new set of words.
To support spelling, each pupil has a Spelling Shed Account. This allows them access to a range of games linked with their weekly spelling rules.
Handwriting at VPJS
To teach handwriting at VPJS, we use Letter-Join. Letter-join is a whole school handwriting scheme offering a combination of traditional and digital resources.